The word of many is awareness.
For it is a time of great awakening, a great light of love is eager to enter into your world.
The entering of light is often met by a wall of "not light".
The journey to gently open the door and allow the crack in the door to allow the light to fill the "not light" is gentle and easy--much like cracking your door open in the morning light.
A gentle, easy, wonderful way to wake up.

Allow yourself today to allow the door to open a bit...a crack. Gently so you can see the light in the midst of the "not light".
For the light allows color, beauty and the seeing of that which is often unseen in the state of "not light".
We urge a gentleness with oneself.
We urge a release of the focus outside of oneself.
We urge a true scanning and allowing light to fill one's creativity, one's heart, and one's mind.
Allow this light.
Be patient with it.
Allow it to gently bathe you like a salve and relax in the new tissue, the new vibrations, the "new" that it is creating WITHIN you.
You are so dear to us.
You are so beautiful.
You are here NOW and allow your light to gently grow and glow.