The calming of the system is of great value to many at this time.
The calming of the system is the framework allowing the expression of the higher vibrations through you. For those vibrations, wisdoms, qualities of love, joy and compassion, are in you; are in ALL.
The unique expressions of them through your structure is blocked or dampened by worry, fear, anger, hopelessness.
We say allow time in nature.
Allow time with music: sing, dance, compose.
Allow time with color: art, flowers, again nature.

Allow, allow and then we say put down the mouse.
Put down the phone and end the scroll of the day.
Allow a day filled with the vibrations of music, nature, art, color, babies, puppies all of these will bring new awareness and new openings for your structure.
For the truth of you...for the light of you...for the genius of you...for the love of you to flow out and fill our world.
And as your beautiful energies begin to flow, it will awaken the beautiful energies in others and allow this great enlivenment to be.
For it is the truth of who you are and who ALL are today and everyday.
We love you.
We see you.
We are with you always.
~Wisdom Writing, November 2024