And in the matter of our message today, many are searching now.
Searching for answers.
Searching for console.
We say allow that to arise from within you.
For the trumpeting of your point of view, of your emotions, of your disdain is yet a pathway that leads you away from the truth of who you are.
We say listen deeply to that still, small voice. Its time is now.
The Love you are is Now.
The Love others are is Now.
The Love the World is, is Now.
And, though it doesn't appear as you wish, the time is Now.
For you chose a path Now.

You chose a time to be here Now...and YES your soul has all it needs to love and shine in places that feel dark and places that are the abyss for you.
We say trust your soul.
Trust Love
Trust Love
Trust Love
This does not mean you do this to manipulate your world and any outcome.
It is to allow your soul to vibrate love, shine love.....broadcast love as your vibration.
That is Now the pathway for many.
"I cannot do this in the world as it is"
"Something is wrong here"
Oh Dear One, it cannot be wrong. For the love of you, of all is truly the place for moving forward.
We love you so dearly.
You are here for this.
The time is Now.
Wisdom Writing December 2024
Image by Daniel Kordan
Janet's note: I have been getting a STRONG nudge to host a 6-week course starting in January based on the past two Wisdom Writings (Allow Your Soul to Broadcast Love and Awakening The Beautiful Energies In All) stay tuned!!! Starting January 5th!!!