The messages for many are abundant at this time. As the collective is urging a New World, a new vibration, a new operation of the collective is at hand.
And yet many are stuck in a pattern of fear of the unknown, or even the fear of what they think they know as the future. Dear Ones, allow your capacity to "not know" in a neutral space to be the field of dreams.
For in neutrality can seeds still be planted and grown.
Allow your soil, your field, to be the most valued, treasured and loved part of your day.
Treat your soil with loving care.
Feed the best fertilizer of love, of joy, of beauty, to fill your field, your garden.

We know the "storms of debris" can often fill your garden and yet from neutral can you see the value of the debris as fertilizer for your beautiful garden to grow the bounty of color, of love, of you in ways yet to behold.
For we are with you so fully now.
Yet we may NOT intervene in the patterns of fear, of anger, of righteousness.
Yours is now the time to tend to your garden.
Allow neutrality and allow the fertilizing of seeds of joy, of love, of the NEW never before seen to grow.
We love you and we are with you always.
Wisdom Writing~~ February 24, 2025
Image by Daniel Kordan
This message is dedicated to my friend Kim Otis who brought so much joy, beauty and love to the world.