For the glory of a message can be helpful to many.
For messages of love, beauty, knowing can lighten up new pathways and vibrations within the structure. Deeper structure than the "identity" structure. For that depth of a structure is the true self. The truth of who you are, who all are.
And the "all" part is where we often speak to; yet we can also speak to the divine within your structure....the truth of who you are. For the glory of you is something we celebrate but it's not the "you" who looks for the accolades. This is the you that is now eager to allow--creates a field of allowing--
Allowing the truth of you, the truth of others, the truth of all.
THAT is to come forth now.
For the beauty and glory of all that is, including your knees, your hips, your shoulders, their voice, their drama. ALL of it is of the divine and the truth of you is ready and eager to open, connect and grow that field of allowing. That field that is already there and indeed a handful of you realizing, living it in a day to day manner will make all the difference your soul is so eager to experience.
Allow love to grow.
Allow beauty to reveal itself.
Allow divinity to shine in that which is dark in your body, in their body, in all that is.
We love you deeply and always and know we are celebrating every little step, every little growth.
YOU matter.
THEY matter.
ALL matter.
~~Wisdom Writing
Image by Daniel Kordan