And in the matter of vibration, allow a new perspective and knowing of vibration.
For high and low doesn't mean good and bad.
Great learning and evolution will flow from a low vibrational experience.
We say ALL has value.
We say ALL is valuable.

We say this because YOU are there.
The truth of YOU.
The beauty of YOU.
The soul of YOU is with you through every experience...high, low or in between.
Allow a new space within.
Allow a pause after experiences that don't feel so valuable or don't feel so good.
Allow a pause.
Allow a space and then listen deeper to the truth of you, to the beauty of you, to the soul of you to speak.
Maybe you don't hear words.
Maybe you see an image.
Maybe you feel something in your heart or chest.
Maybe you feel called to take an action.
Listen. Listen. Listen.
That low vibration moment or experience can bring forth the truth of YOU of a new world for you, for all.
Pause. Listen and Know.
~~Wisdom Writing
Photo by Daniel Kordan